Technical update #2

2 min readAug 7, 2021

The last two weeks have been all about iterating on the electronics and air exchange modules. We have reached a point of confidence in our systems to steer away from archaic breadboarded electronic circuits with hand soldered entries and wires everywhere to a much more conventional, suited and, if I can say so myself, beautiful, printed circuit board (PCB). All thanks on that go out to a close friend of Awaken, Owen, a gifted electrical engineer. This will allow us to problem solve and iterate faster on the design without risking any electrical safety concerns.

The air exchange prototype has been 80% constructed on our iterated enclosure. We are eagerly awaiting for two valves so we can complete the construction and test our control systems of humidification and fresh air exchange. In a different breath, let the debugging commence! The challenge now is to refine the firmware. In theory, we have outlined the basic air exchange control system in the Finite State Machine (FSM) shown below.

Finite State Machine (FSM)

We are extremely proud of our air exchange system. It is a novel, in-house solution that is simultaneously simple and complex. All credit goes out to Andrie, our industrial designer.

In the coming weeks, we are going to be releasing some media on the whole system functioning as to not be all talk. So hang on and sit tight. We promise it will be a delight.

Once again, we invite you to participate and encourage product related discussion to assist us along the journey. Jump onto the link below to form part of our community discussion page via discord.

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