21 Months of Coding and Design For THIS Graph — What Does This Mean For Mushrooms?

3 min readMar 22, 2022
  • The physics problem that NEARLY had us stumped
  • The first-ever mushroom printer?

In the last post, we had great success growing White Oysters, but we’re looking to grow more difficult strains of mushrooms inside Auri.

Yeah not Truffle, sorry.

But we’re entering that ballpark, with strains like Golden Enoki, King Oyster, Shitake and Winter Lion’s Mane.

Golden Enoki — King Oyster
Shitake — Lion’s Mane

These are mushrooms that retail for $50–80/kg and only fruit in temperatures between 7 and 15 °C.

So what are you waiting for? Just slap them in a fridge and start printing money!

Alright Turbo, it's not quite that easy…

Mushrooms need FOUR environmental conditions to be spot on in order to fruit consistently:

  1. Temperature
  2. Lighting
  3. CO2
  4. Humidity

And the psychometrics of air make simultaneous temperature and humidity control HARD, like 5 months,100s of tests and multiple hardware revisions hard.

But now we have it, the first proof of low-temperature, high-humidity control inside of Auri.

Humidity maintaining 92%RH. Temperature maintaining just below 11°C at 23°C ambient temperature.

Sure its a bit rough around the edges, but this means all strains of mushrooms (growable from substrate) will be available YEAR-ROUND.

I’m talking Lion’s Mane in Alice Springs.

I’m talking Oysters in Alaska.

And I’m talking all of THIS gourmet goodness…

White Oyster and Lions Mane cook up ft. butter, garlic, chilli flakes and thyme.

Year-round, with the press of a button.

Now, this is what the theory suggests, and it has been done before on a larger scale with different technology. However, as a small, kitchen-like appliance, it hasn’t and we still need to verify it.

So that’s what we’re going to do over the coming months. We’ll be running plenty of grow tests and then getting these units in the hands of keen customers ASAP to be a part of our alpha and beta testing phases.

If you would like to test one of our first prototypes — email us!

Keep up to date with our story:

Instagram: @awaken.tech

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We are Awaken. We’re building a set-and-forget mushroom cultivator, designed to grow extreme varieties of mushrooms with the press of a button.

